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CoreLogic vs ABS - Residential Property Price Indices for Q3 2021

Today the Australian Bureau of Statistics released its Residential Property Price Indexes.

As always, it's interesting to compare its results against CoreLogic's Hedonic Index. Of course, the Hedonic Index is released daily, whereas the ABS is just releasing its index for the September quarter today - over 10 weeks later.

It's worth noting that the "all capitals" indexes are a bit different, since ABS includes Darwin, Hobart and Canberra, whereas CoreLogic just has the 5 major capitals - Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth.


Sydney Price Index

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Virtually identical, as always.


Melbourne Price Index

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A little bit of a divergence, with ABS being 8 points more generous.


Brisbane Price Index

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Adelaide Price Index

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No disagreement.


Perth Price Index

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CoreLogic's Perth index had a stern talking to after really divergent results in the first quarter. It has been revised, and is now much more in line with the ABS figures.

All Capitals

All Capitals Price Index

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Understandably, since there isn't much air between the results for CoreLogic for the individual cities and their ABS counterparts, the All Capitals are in line as well.